Carole Diop
Patent Agent

An electrical engineer by training, Awa Carole Diop focuses on matters related to information technology (telecommunications, software, electronics, optics), mechanics and medical devices.
Ms. Diop drafts patent applications and prosecutes them before the Canadian Intellectual Property Office. She is also involved in prosecuting patent applications elsewhere in the world, most notably before the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the European Patent Office. Her experience also includes preparing patentability, infringement and validity opinions.
She also assists her clients, which include university-based clients, startups, and large corporations, with the decision-making process for intellectual property management. In addition, she has been involved in due diligence reviews of intellectual property portfolios.
Before joining our Montréal office, Ms. Diop worked at an IP boutique in Montréal after having gained valuable industry experience working for a venture capital firm and managing the intellectual property portfolio of a technology start-up company.