Promoting the integration and commercialization of disruptive technologies in the aerospace supply chain

Aéro Montréal - Promoting the integration and commercialization of disruptive technologies in the aerospace supply chain

Quebec’s aerospace supply chain is experiencing an acceleration in its transformation amidst intensifying market pressures. Since technology companies, namely start-ups and SMEs, are the primary sources of innovation, it is crucial that their technological developments be supported in the pre-commercialization phase. This will promote their long-term viability and the innovation pool they represent. StartAéro 360° is an integrated support program to help companies deploy their innovations.

StartAéro will provide support for 30 SMEs over three years.


  • Drive and accelerate the adoption of disruptive technologies in the market.
  • Support entrepreneurship by developing technology demonstrators and commercializing new products.
  • Fosters networking among suppliers of leading-edge technologies and players in the supply chain.



  • A structured approach providing support, training and opportunity monitoring with industry experts to take advantage of business opportunities.
  • Access to financial support in the development of operational demonstrators and during local or international missions limiting  risks and making possible to invest in an informed manner. 
  • Expert support to commercialize innovative developments and breakthroughs.


Nathan Gueidon


Partners for this initiative:

  • Développement économique Canada