16 December 2015 - A WORLD FIRST: Aéro Montréal awards MACH 5 performance label to Alcoa Titanium & Engineered Products

UNE PREMIÈRE MONDIALE : Aéro Montréal remet le label de performance MACH 5 à Alcoa Titane et Produits d’ingénierie

Montréal, December 16, 2015 — Aéro Montréal, Québec's aerospace cluster, on December 7th awarded Alcoa Titanium & Engineered Products, Laval, with the MACH 5 performance label, the first company to qualify at this level. This is the highest level, on a scale from 1 to 5, that a supplier can achieve under the MACH Initiative. This program aims to optimize the performance of the Québec aerospace supply chain to increase its competitiveness internationally.

The MACH Initiative in Québec currently has 47 suppliers, sponsored by nearly 30 different companies, leaders in their field. This program embodies the dynamism of Québec's supply chain in its commitment to achieve excellence and of its companies to consolidate their position as world-class suppliers.

The success of this program is based on excellence, especially in terms of operational, leadership and governance excellence, but also in planning and workforce development.

"This wonderful achievement of Alcoa Titanium & Engineered Products demonstrates its determination to accelerate its growth and increase its competitiveness, which also benefits the Québec economy," said Jacques Daoust, Minister of the Economy, Innovation and Exports. "Our government is proud to partner with the MACH Initiative, which is helping to consolidate the strong position of Québec's aerospace industry on the world stage."

"The industry must be proactive in innovation in order to remain among the world leaders," says Suzanne M. Benoît, President of Aéro Montréal. "We are now heading towards a new industrial revolution, industry 4.0, whose goal is the adoption of a new business model focused on adaptability in production and in the allocation of resources in order to achieve a better performance. Today, we speak of intelligent plants where automated production and use of the Internet are an integral part of development. The MACH Initiative is a program that lays the  enabling foundation for undertaking this transformation towards industry 4.0."

"Our participation in the MACH Initiative helped to accelerate our development and the improvement of our management system," notes Christian Sauvé, Vice President and General Manager, Engineered Products, Alcoa Titanium & Engineered Products. "We have better managed our rapid growth and offered superior performance to our customers. We are now more present, better equipped and more competitive in world markets."

"The MACH Initiative allows participating companies to benefit from a significant international visibility," adds Benoît. "The program, for example, has been adopted in Belgium and received  visibility in the countries of Asia-Pacific at the recent APEC Forum."

The MACH Initiative has enabled many Québec aerospace suppliers of all sizes to grow and reach levels that make them suppliers of choice for Tier 1 integrators and equipment manufacturers. The program is now expected to evolve to enable its companies to continue their growth.

Award of MACH 5 performance label to Alcoa Titanium & Engineered Products (ATEP).

From left to right : Joëlle Cournoyer, Vice President, Quality and Engineering, Bombardier Aerostructure and Engineering Products (Mentor MACH for ATEP); Jacques Daoust, Minister of the Economy, Innovation and Exports; Christian Sauvé, Vice President and General Manager, Engineered Products, Alcoa Titanium & Engineered Products; Suzanne M. Benoît, President, Aéro Montréal.

About the MACH Initiative

Stemming from the work by Aéro Montréal’s Supply Chain Working Group, the MACH Initiative is designed to optimize the performance of Québec’s aerospace supply chain and increase its global competitiveness. It is the result of joint discussions among members of the cluster and intends to be a unifying process to support the long-term strategic growth of the sector

To achieve its objectives, the MACH Initiative aims to strengthen the supply chain structure and companies involved in it by creating special collaboration links among customers and suppliers. It also promotes the implementation of strategies and projects which will help fill in existing integration gaps of the Québec aerospace supply chain. By doing so, it aspires to help develop a world-class supply chain.

MACH, to date, represents:

- 47 committed suppliers (four cohorts)

- 28 sponsors providing mentoring

- 380 completed and ongoing projects

- More than $4 million in direct investments in supplier projects

About Aéro Montréal

Created in 2006, Aéro Montréal is a strategic think tank that groups all the major decision makers in Québec's aerospace sector, including companies, educational and research institutions, as well as associations and unions.

Aéro Montréal’s mission is to mobilize Québec's aerospace cluster with a view to increasing its growth and expansion on the global scene. Its vision is to become a benchmark in global aerospace. To do so, it champions the following values: excellence, engagement, collaboration, versatility and innovation.


Gwenaël Brisé
Communications Manager

Aéro Montréal
Off: 514 987-9395 | cell: 438 497-3857
