27 March 2015 - Québec Government 2015-2016 Budget : Aéro Montréal welcomes the Québec government's commitment to support initiatives aimed at stimulating innovation

Aéro Montréal, Québec's aerospace cluster, welcomes the 2015-2016 Budget tabled today by Québec Finance Minister Carlos J. Leitão. The Québec government's pledge of $40 million to the SA2GE greener aircraft catalyst project over four years is excellent ne

Aéro Montréal, Québec's aerospace cluster, welcomes the 2015-2016 Budget tabled today by Québec Finance Minister Carlos J. Leitão. The Québec government's pledge of $40 million to the SA2GE greener aircraft catalyst project over four years is excellent news for Québec's aerospace sector. The industry will invest the same amount, bringing the total in SA2GE - Phase 2 to $80 million.

This important announcement addresses one of the main action priorities of Québec's aerospace cluster. "The Québec aerospace industry is pleased with the Québec government's commitment to the SA2GE catalyst project," said Maria Della Posta, Chair of Aéro Montréal's Board of Directors. "This investment will allow our industry to maintain its leadership and build on existing collaboration among large companies, SMEs, research centres and educational institutions. Following the success of the first phase, we are now entering the second phase with great enthusiasm."

The technology demonstration phase is a crucial step for validating promising concepts and prototypes in functional environments that more closely resemble their potential application. Such transfer of technology facilitates the commercialization of innovative products that will create wealth for Québec.

"Today's funding for Phase 2 will allow us to further advance our technology demonstration projects," said Fassi Kafyeke, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the SA2GE Coalition for Greener Aircraft. "With SA2GE, Québec's aerospace industry is continuing its mission of laying the groundwork for the aircraft of the future and achieving significant environmental improvements. In addition, this catalyst project will help strengthen the competitive position of prime contractors and allow SMEs and manufacturers to better position themselves on new development platforms."

In its budget, the Québec government also announced its intention to develop a new development strategy for Québec's aerospace industry. "This commitment fully reflects the importance the government attaches to our industry," said Suzanne M. Benoît, President of Aéro Montréal. "This strategy should take into account the need for our industry to have the appropriate means to meet the challenges of a supply chain in full transformation and strengthen the innovation and export capabilities of companies, especially SMEs. By doing so, the strategy will actively contribute to the growth of a critical sector and help create quality jobs for future generations."

About Aéro Montréal

Aéro Montréal, Québec's aerospace cluster, is a strategic think tank that groups all the major decision makers in Québec's aerospace sector, including companies, educational and research institutions, associations and unions.

Aéro Montréal’s mission is to mobilize industry players around common goals and concerted actions to increase the cohesion and optimize competitiveness of Québec’s aerospace cluster. It aims to foster the growth and expansion of the cluster so as to ensure that it may continue to create wealth for Montréal, Québec and Canada.



Gwenaël Brisé
Conseiller aux communications

Aéro Montréal
Bur. : 514 987-9395 | cell. : 438 497-3857
