31 July 2012 - Aéro Montréal publishes its first profile of the aerospace industry

Aéro Montréal publishes its first profile of the aerospace industry

Farnborough (United Kingdom), July 10, 2012 — Aéro Montréal, Québec's aerospace cluster, today released the first edition of the profile of the Québec aerospace industry during the Farnborough International Airshow. This promotional tool, featuring the most current information on the sector, aims to underscore the competitive advantages and vitality of Québec’s aerospace industry on the national and international stage.

The profile also offers a valuable tool for supporting the marketing efforts of Québec companies among potential customers during domestic and international business development missions. In addition, it complements the investment promotion activities made ​​by many economic development partners to attract foreign companies in Québec.

“The profile of the aerospace industry is a one-of-a-kind visibility tool for our industry,” says Suzanne M. Benoît, President of Aéro Montréal. “We are very proud to make available to the public and our partners a publication that puts together numerous information relating to our sector and which constitutes an unprecedented promotional medium for our industry.”

The profile is the product of a close collaboration between Aéro Montréal and Montréal International. It reaffirms Greater Montréal’s position as a world capital of aerospace with a unique concentration of aerospace activity. In Greater Montréal, where 98% of the industrial activity is located, about 1 worker out of 92 is employed by the sector. The profile brings together all the salient facts related to the industry. It is illustrated with numerous testimonials from industry leaders and is available on Aéro Montréal’s website at www.aeromontreal.ca.

About d'Aéro Montréal

Aéro Montréal, Québec's aerospace cluster, is a strategic think tank that groups all the major decision makers in Québec's aerospace sector, including companies, educational and research institutions, associations and unions.

Aéro Montréal's mission is to mobilize industry players around common goals and concerted actions to increase the cohesion and optimize competitiveness of Québec’s aerospace cluster. It aims to foster the growth and expansion of the cluster so as to ensure that it may continue to create wealth for Montréal, Québec and Canada. To find out more about Aéro Montréal, visit www.aeromontreal.ca.

Download the profile