28 June 2011 - Aéro Montréal launches the operations of the MACH initiative: a program to optimize Québec’s aerospace supply chain

Aéro Montréal launches the operations of the MACH initiative: a program to optimize Québec’s aerospace supply chain

MONTREAL, June 6, 2011 – In the presence of Mr. Clément Gignac, Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade and Mr. Alain Paquet, Minister for Finance, Aéro Montréal, Québec’s aerospace cluster, launched the MACH initiative today to assist Québec aerospace firms in improving their performance and as a result increase their visibility in the marketplace and better position themselves in future aircraft programs suuply chains. Moreover, as the aerospace industry acknowledges the drivers influencing the transformation of the supply chain, it can ensure through the MACH initiative that the supply chain remains competitive.

“Québec’s aerospace industry has been mobilizing to stay competitive and maintain its global position, and has decided to quickly address the supply chain challenges,” said Mr. Gilles Labbé, Chairman of the Board of Aéro Montreal and CEO of Héroux-Devtek. “Stemming from the work by Aéro Montréal’s Supply Chain Working Group, the MACH initiative is the result of joint discussions among members of the cluster and intends to be a unifying process to support the long-term strategic growth of the sector,” explained Mr. Philippe Hoste, president of the Aéro Montréal Supply Chain Development Working Group and CEO of Sonaca Montréal.

The MACH initiative is a program aiming to strengthen the individual links in the supply chain – the subcontractors – so as to accelerate its overall performance. The initiative consists of a 15 million dollar public-private collaboration over five years involving 70 suppliers. In addition to offering financial support and in kind contributions, the MACH initiative will also provide a framework for excellence by offering methodologies, tools, and training programs to increase their capabilities in key business processes.

The MACH initiative operates with the understanding that communication and collaboration throughout the supply chain is vital. As such, all participating SMEs will be paired with an OEM client, the end result of which will be a certification label which will offer both increased market visibility and more business opportunities.

The privileged relationship between client and supplier is at the core of the MACH initiative. The MACH initiative will work directly with firms within the industry so as to stimulate collaboration and innovation within the supply chain, as well as to improve its performance and competitiveness. The initiative also aims to put forward strategies and projects to close the gap in Quebec’s ability to further integration capabilities in its supply chain so as to favour the development of a world class supply chain.

Eight OEMs will participate in the first phase of the MACH initiative: Bombardier Aéronautique, Pratt & Whitney Canada, CAE inc., Bell Helicopter Textron Canada, Héroux-Devtek inc., L-3 Communications MAS, Sonaca Montréal and Mecachrome. The first class of suppliers who are part of the initiative are to be revealed today at the operational launch. On a five-year basis, 70 suppliers will benefit from the services offered through the initiative and from the expertise and mentorship of the Québec OEMs.

As a mentor within the MACH initiative, Bombardier Aerospace has been an active participant in bringing the initiative to fruition.  “As the mentor of the MACH initiative, Bombardier Aerospace is proud to support a program that will specifically address the challenges of the supply chain and help strengthen the competitiveness of Québec’s aerospace industry by allowing for a better understanding of OEM’s expectations,” explained Ms. Janice Davis, vice-president and Chief Procurement Officer of Bombardier Aerospace. Bombardier Aerospace will also accompany some suppliers in their continuous improvement plan.

In terms of financial support for the initiative, Aéro Montréal would like to highlight the 3 million dollar contribution from the Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade as well as the $948 200 contribution from Commission des partenaires du marché du travail. Suzanne M. Benoît, CEO of Aéro Montréal, emphasized her appreciation for the support of these partners in making this initiative happen. “Because the aerospace sector is an integral part of the Quebec economy, is it essential that the sector maintain its competitive level so that it can in turn maintain is level of activity and remain among the world leaders in the industry,” she added.

The MACH framework for excellence

The framework for excellence developed by Aéro Montréal is at the heart of the MACH initiative as a tool that allows suppliers to evaluate and identify performance gaps. As a result, it provides suppliers with the necessary data to determine which course of action is most suited for improving their position within the supply chain. The framework prioritizes three areas of focus for improved competitiveness: excellence in leadership, excellence in operations, and excellence in planning and developing the workforce. Moreover, the framework establishes a five level maturity scale, ranging from MACH 1 to MACH 5, as an evaluative basis for each of the framework’s 15 business processes as well as for awarding the supplier a global performance label.

About Aéro Montréal

Aéro Montréal, Québec's aerospace cluster, is a think tank that brings together all the major decision makers in Québec's aerospace sector, including companies, educational and research institutions, associations and unions.

Aéro Montréal's mission is to mobilize industry players around common goals and focused actions to increase cohesion and optimize competitiveness. By fostering the growth and expansion of Greater Montréal's aerospace cluster, it intends to make this industry an increasingly important source of wealth creation for the Montréal region, Québec and Canada.

For more information : 
Véronique Coutu 
Senior communications advisor 
Aéro Montréal
(514) 987-9334
Cell.: (514) 882-9791