20 December 2011 - Aéro Montréal and ASIS Saxony intend to start a strategic collaboration

Aéro Montréal and ASIS Saxony intend to start a strategic collaboration

MONTRÉAL, Canada, December 5, 2011 - Aéro Montréal settled their intent on cooperation with ASIS Saxony, the aerospace cluster of Saxony, Germany, during the third edition of the Aerospace Innovation Forum 2011. It aims to establish a special relationship between the two parties, increase the collaboration in commercial opportunities and exchange benchmarking data.

Suzanne M. Benoît, CEO of Aéro Montréal, welcomed the initiative, saying it will provide significant benefits to Québec’s aerospace industry. “The exchange of information on the needs of our members and the state of our local industries will greatly benefit the development of our respective regions” she said.

For Sam Hamad, Québec Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade, this is a real opportunity for the sector to benefit from the expertise of a foreign partner and to build bridges in Germany. “On the international stage, the Montréal area is considered one of the major global aerospace centres and this cooperation once more demonstrates our willingness to go further and forge alliances with foreign companies”.

Also commenting on the agreement, Mr. Hamad’s counterpart, Sven Morlok, State Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport of Saxony :  "We see good opportunities in cooperating with the partners in Montreal to integrate the excellent skills of Saxon companies and research institutes into significant value and supplier chain of the international aviation industry. Montréal as one of the world's largest air and space centers will benefit from the Saxon decades-long experience in research and development."

Michael Muth, Managing Director of ASIS Saxony, added: “Starting the more intensive collaboration with Aero Montreal we will find and support especially innovative projects between companies and institutes in both regions beneficially for involved  partners”.

In general, this cooperation involves the exchange of information on respective cluster initiatives as well as on offers or needs of cluster members. It also encompasses the exchange of information about possibilities in taking part in local and international projects and programs, as well as the reciprocal support for research projects undertaken by cluster members.

Aéro Montréal has established a collaboration network of clusters by signing similar agreements with Aerospace Valley, World Competitiveness Cluster Midi-Pyrénées & Aquitaine, Skywin, aerospace cluster of Wallonia, BavAIRia, the aerospace cluster of Bavaria, “Hamburg—The place for aviation” aerospace cluster of Greater Hamburg, Poland’s Aviation Valley Association, the North West Aerospace Alliance in the UK and the Aerospace and Defense Research Collaboratory in Arizona.

About the agreement signatories

About Aéro Montréal

Aéro Montréal, Québec’s Aerospace cluster, is a think tank that brings together all the major decision makers in the region’s aerospace sector, including companies, educational and research institutions, associations and unions.

Aéro Montréal’s mission is to mobilize industry players around common goals and focused actions to increase cohesion and optimize competitiveness. By fostering the growth and expansion of Québec’s aerospace cluster, it intends to make this industry an increasingly important source of wealth creation for the Montréal region, Québec and Canada.

About ASIS Saxony

The Saxon State Ministry of Economic Affairs,  Labour and Transport established in 2008 the joint initiative "ASIS - Aerospace Initiative Saxony". ASIS represents the interests of the aerospace industry in Saxony, with the aim of strengthening Saxony as an industrial site.

The ASIS key tasks are the design and support of the pooling of development capacity, the initiating and strengthening of cooperation projects, the applying of the latest research results, the development of effective marketing strategies, the improvement of the international perception and the use of synergies with other innovative industries.

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For information:            

Véronique Coutu

Senior Communications Advisor

Aéro Montréal

Tel.: 514 987-9334

Cell: (514) 882-9791


Irina Jaufman

Project assistance

Aerospace Initiative Saxony (ASIS)

Dresden, Germany

Tel.: +49 (351) 25933 291
