18 June 2013 - Aéro Montréal and Aerospace cluster in Rhône-Alpes sign a strategic collaboration agreement

Aéro Montréal, Québec’s aerospace cluster, signed a framework agreement on collaboration with Aerospace Cluster in Rhône-Alpes during the Paris Air Show (Salon international de l’aéronautique et de l’espace Paris - Le Bourget). This agreement aims to init

Le Bourget (France), June 18, 2013

Aéro Montréal, Québec’s aerospace cluster, signed a framework agreement on collaboration with Aerospace Cluster in Rhône-Alpes during the Paris Air Show (Salon international de l’aéronautique et de l’espace Paris - Le Bourget). This agreement aims to initiate a special relationship between the two aerospace clusters, increase exchanges of information on innovation and optimization of the supply chain, and promote international monitoring.

Aéro Montréal President Suzanne M. Benoît, welcomed the initiative, saying it will provide major opportunities for Québec's aerospace industry, in particular with respect to collaborative R&D projects, given that Rhône-Alpes is considered the 4th most important region in Europe for aeronautical research.

“In a turbulent global economy where environmental regulations are tightening, innovation remains a competitive advantage against global competition that is being heightened by the arrival of emerging countries eager to break into the aerospace market,” said Ms. Benoît. “We firmly believe in the importance of strategic alliances between international clusters sharing the same objectives to strengthen the position of their respective companies internationally.”

“We are extremely pleased to sign this agreement with Aéro Montréal, which is one of the most successful aerospace clusters. It will enable our two clusters to work better together, encourage more cooperation between SMEs, and foster the emergence of new projects in aerospace innovation,” said Frédéric Antras, Representative of the Aerospace cluster in Rhône-Alpes.

“The signing of this cooperation agreement clearly demonstrates Québec’s important position in the world aerospace industry and the reputation of its cluster,” added Mr. Nicolas Marceau, Québec’s Minister of Finance and the Economy. “This is a prime opportunity for companies in the sector to build bridges and forge alliances with world-renowned French companies.”

This agreement involves the exchange of information on the needs and expectations of members of both organizations. It also provides reciprocal support for research projects and the sharing of best practices for optimizing the supply chain and human resources, among others, through international forums such Aéro Montréal’s Aerospace Innovation Forum 2013.

This is the third agreement entered into by Aéro Montréal with a French aerospace competitive cluster after Aerospace Valley in 2007 and Pégase in 2012.

About the signatories of the agreement

Aéro Montréal, Québec's aerospace cluster, is a strategic think tank that groups all the major decision makers in Québec's aerospace sector, including companies, educational and research institutions, associations and unions.
Aéro Montréal's mission is to mobilize industry players around common goals and concerted actions to increase the cohesion and optimize competitiveness of Québec’s aerospace cluster. It aims to foster the growth and expansion of the cluster so as to ensure that it may continue to create wealth for Montréal, Québec and Canada.

Aerospace cluster in Rhône-Alpes is an association that brings together all aerospace players within the Rhône-Alpes region, SMEs, intermediate companies and groups, research laboratories and training centres, around common objectives. Aerospace cluster in Rhône-Alpes principal mission is to foster the development of Rhône-Alpes aerospace industry through innovation, internationalisation and competitiveness, to promote the regional aerospace brand, for the creation of jobs and new activities within the regional territory.
Aerospace Cluster in Rhône-Alpes benefits from support of the French State, the Rhône-Alpes region and the CCIR Rhône-Alpes. Aerospace Cluster in Rhône-Alpes is labeled "Cluster Rhône-Alpes" since 2005 and recipient of DATAR call for projects "Grappes d’entreprises" in 2011.