Preliminary program
Tuesday April 4, 2017 - Palais des congrès de Montréal
[From Vision to Reality: Breaking Through the World of 4.0]
Preliminary program printable version
7 a.m. - 8 a.m. : REGISTRATION
8 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. : WELCOMING REMARKS
Suzanne M. Benoît, President, Aéro Montréal
8:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. : WELCOMING REMARKS BY MS. CHRISTINE ST-PIERRE (Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie of Québec)
- to be confirmed
8:30 a.m. - 8:40 a.m. : OPENING PRESENTATION
Joseph C. Anselmo will review general trends in the aerospace sector and introduce the day’s agenda.
- Joseph C. Anselmo, Editor-in-chief, Aviation Week & Space Technology
8:40 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. : OPENING SPEACH BY BOMBARDIER
- Jim Vounassis, Chief Transformation and Procurement Officer, Bombardier Inc.
8:50 a.m. - 9:25 a.m. : THE EVOLUTION AND IMPACTS OF 4.0
Moderator: Hélène V. Gagnon, Vice President, Public Affairs and Global Communications, CAE and Chair of the Board, Aéro Montréal.
It’s time to demystify the term “4.0,” to review the steps that have led to the 4th industrial revolution as a
result of various breakthrough technologies.
- Éric Leduc, Senior Sales Manager, Microsoft
- Naomi Goldapple, Program Director, Element AI
9:25 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. : THE IMPACT OF 4.0 ON THE SUPPLY CHAIN (conference)
Kevin Michaels will show us the changes that 4.0 has had on various levels of the supply chain.
- Kevin Michaels, President-CEO, AeroDynamic
- Jean-Philippe Marouzé, Director – Product and Advanced Composite Value Chain, Bombardier
10:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. : BREAK
10:30 a.m. - 11:25 a.m. : CONCRETE EXAMPLE OF A SUPPLY CHAIN IN TRANSFORMATION (case study presentation)
Moderator: Graham Warwick, Managing Editor, Technology Aviation Week & Space Technology
This panel will share lessons learned and explain the role companies are playing in a rapidly-changing supply chain.
- Jill Christenson, Sr. Manager Supplier Management Aircraft Materials &Structures Strategy, The Boeing Company
- Anthony L. Velocci, Former Editor-in-chief of Aviation Week & Space Technology
- Tim Beatty, President, Bullen Ultrasonics
11:25 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. : ASSESS AND MEASURE YOUR TRANSITION TO 4.0 (case presentation)
This panel will present the tools that will enable you to position yourself and measure the success of implementing 4.0 in your company.
- Hany Moustapha, Professor and Director, Aéro ÉTS
- Jeff Gazidis, Business Development Aerospace, Siemens Canada
- Yves Proteau, Co-President, APN
12:10 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. : LUNCH IN 4.0 DEMO ZONE
1:45 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. : WHEN START-UPS DISRUPT THE MODELS (Conference)
Van Espahbodi will show us how innovative start-ups are disrupting traditional operating concepts, acting in 4.0.
- Van Espahbodi, Co-founder, Starburst Accelerator
Shane Eddy will present the impact of industry 4.0 on the supply chain by showing how supply chain interconnection optimizes the overall performance of all players in the aerospace sector. He will cite the case of Pratt & Whitney, a leader in creating a digitalized relationship with its suppliers.
- Shane Eddy, Senior Vice President Operations , Pratt & Whitney
2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. : HUMANS, THE HEART OF 4.0 (conference)
GE Bromont, a leader in robotic plants, demonstrates how Humans are at the heart of industry 4.0. by giving priority to its employees in its digital journey.
- GE Bromont (speaker tbc)
3:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. : BREAK
3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. : SUCCESSFUL TRANSITIONS, LESSONS LEARNED FROM OTHER SECTORS (case study presentation - bilingual)
Companies from other sectors, Biscuits Leclerc and Lumenpulse will inspire us with their success stories, explaining why they have taken the journey and the improvements that have resulted.
- Alexandre Leclerc, Cofounder & CEO Poka
- Guy Beauséjour, Manufacturing Operations Director, Lumenpulse Lighting Inc.
- Harold Lebrun, Virtual-Chief Technology Officer, Virtual Process
4:15 p.m. - 5 p.m. : REAL SOLUTIONS THAT BRING MORE THAN YOU THINK (panel - bilingual)
This very pragmatic panel will show you, step by step, the solutions available for your company to migrate to 4.0 (costs, ROI, benefits).
- Éric St-Laurent, Director Technological Optimization, Merkur
- Pascal Vachon, Senior Advisor, Merkur
- Ryan Zimermann, Director of Business Development, VKS
- Mike Muldoon, Director Aerospace Operations, Radix Inc.
5: p.m. - 5:10 p.m. : CLOSING REMARKS
Joseph C. Anselmo will summarize the key concepts developed during the day, for a successful 4.0 transition of the Supply Chain.
- Joseph C. Anselmo, Editor-in-chief, Aviation Week & Space Technology
5:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. : COCKTAIL IN THE 4.0 DEMO ZONE
1. All the presentations are given in English except for those shown as bilingual (French/English).
2. The program is subject to change.