Colloque aérotechnique 2012 ÉNA-CTA

Event date

March 14, 2012

Event location


Martine Latour

T 450 653-6281

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Industry event

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the Colloque aérotechnique 2012 ÉNA-CTA. This year’s edition of the event has as its focus the latest developments in innovation as well as in the aerotechnical field.

More than 220 people from the aerospace cluster attended last year’s sold-out event. We would be pleased to answer any questions you might have about the event. However, we suggest you sign up without delay, since we unfortunately had to turn people away last year because of high demand.


-       The challenges and complexity of maintaining deploying operating systems;

-       The inspection of composite materials (NDT and metrology) : a challenge for the aerospace industry;

-       The challenges in introducing an innovative inspection system for avionics;

-       The trends in helicopter research : security, speed, respect of the environment;

-       The COBALT Co50, the new light aircraft of Quebec;

-       Advanced techniques in titanium machining;

-       Avionic equipment certification;

-       The challenges associated with the use of new technology.

* Other topics may be added to the agenda.


-       Mr. Serge Brasset (Director-general, Collège Édouard-Montpetit);

-       Mr. Melvin Woolman (Supervisor, Function Test Procedure, Bombardier Aerospace);

-       Mr. David Loury (President and CEO, COBALT);

-       Mr. Jacques Cabana (Chief Executive Officer, FDC Composites);

-       Mr. Réjean Roy and Mr. Benoit Desmarais (Engineer and technician, Groupe usinage haute performance, Centre technologique en aérospatiale);

-       Mr. Yves Favennec (Vice-President Research and Innovation , Eurocopter);

-       Mr. Robin Dubé (Engineer, Groupe développements composites, Centre technologique en aérospatiale);

-       Mr. Louis-Jacques Boucher ( Business Development Manager, Sandvik Cormorant)

-       Mr. Claude Bérubé (National defence);

-       Mr. Jean-Marc Gagné and Mr. Karlheinz Shuler (Program Director and certification manager, Thales Canada Aerospace)

-       Mr. Alain Lussier (President, THS);

-       Mr. Pascal Désilets (Director-general, Centre technologique en aérospatiale).

*Other speakers will be added to the program.

The event is of particular note because it marks the launch of the research program for the inspection of composite materials for the aerospace industry. This research project has a $2.5 million budget over five years and aims to develop local expertise, improve the competitiveness of companies in the industry, and create relevant training opportunities. The CTA’s new technical platform aims to equip its clients with the means to enter the field of nondestructive testing.

The Colloque will also highlight the successful market integration of a new avionic inspection technology (THS) which Aviation Week named as one of the 10 most promising technological advances in the coming year. THS, like the Société MSB, is an example of an innovative technique benefited from the used of the CTA as a technological accelerator in order to aid the efficient launch of its activities.


Don’t forget to also register for the JMA event which takes place the following daya t the CTA :