Tim Vaesen
Vice President Industrial & Defense

Tim Vaesen is the current vice president of the Industrial & Defense division at EuroDev. EuroDev is a business development company located in the Netherlands, which specializes in making North American companies successful in Europe. EuroDev carries a unique business model, designed for SME’s, that has allowed over 250+ companies establish a durable footprint in Europe.
Supported by a strong current portfolio in Defense, EuroDev is able to quickly outline the market, opportunities and design a market entry strategy that works. The unique EuroDev model also supports the execution of this strategy, allowing SME’s to have boots on the ground – which is a crucial element to become successful in Europe. Sensitive to culture and able to speak various languages, the assigned team will organically grow the business, leveraging the active EuroDev network and rolodex of contacts to generate revenue.
Tim has an international and entrepreneurial background, supported by a degree in international business and languages. He is a regular speaker at venues focused on export and international business. Tim is known for his pragmatic, cut to the chase, goal oriented approach to export.