Daniel Silverman
Vice-President, Foreign Direct Investment,

Mr. Silverman graduated from Montreal's Concordia University and began his career in 2002 as a Junior Consultant with the CAI Global Group, a Montreal based site selection analysis, business location analysis, jurisdictional marketing, and industrial clustering consulting firm.
In 2005, Mr. Silverman joined ROI Research On Investment, a lead prospecting and consulting firm. As Senior Vice President, Mr. Silverman consulted numerous foreign investment agencies on best practices in investment attraction and FDI strategies. Mr. Silverman joined Toronto Global in 2017 as Executive Vice President, Investment Attraction. Toronto Global is a not-for-profit investment attraction agency that supports the expansion of foreign- owned businesses to the Toronto Region. During his time at Toronto Global, the investment attraction team secured more than 100 new foreign investments to the Toronto Region.
In January of 2020, Mr. Silverman joined the newly created division of Investissement Québec, Investissement Québec International (IQI), as Vice President, Foreign Direct Investment to lead a team of 50+ foreign direct investment attraction professionals based in Quebec and 12 international offices. The IQI FDI team is responsible for talent attraction & immigration as well as attracting new foreign direct investment to the province of Quebec as well as work with foreign multinationals on their re-investment projects throughout the province. In February 2020, Mr. Silverman was renewed for an additional two years as a Director on the International
Economic Development Council Board of Directors.