Daniel Olivier
Director of Business Intelligence and Innovation

In September 2012, Mr. Olivier joined the Port of Montreal Authority and is now Director of Business Intelligence and Innovation. His mandate covers such things as strategic planning, research, performance monitoring, business analytics, market intelligence, traffic forecasting and the development of decision support tools, as well as leading several innovation projects, including an innovation accelerator in port logistics.
Prior to this, Mr. Olivier worked for Transport Canada under its National Gateways and Corridors program. There, he led the development of a national supply chain performance monitoring program, including the development and implementation of key performance indicators across Canada’s major seaports.
Daniel Olivier obtained a Ph.d. in economic geography (maritime transport) from the University of Hong Kong in 2006. He has published on the topics of container ports, logistics, and Asian transnational firms in a number of academic journals. He authored the book Dynamics of Globalisation in the Container Port Industry: Asia Rising in 2010. He later obtained a certificate in supply chain management from Georgia Tech in 2011 and has been an active member of CILTNA since 2013.
Mr. Olivier lived in China (Hong Kong), France and Australia.