Commodore J.A.S. Page, OMM, CD
Director General Maritime Equipment Program Management

Commodore Page enrolled in the Canadian Forces in 1984 under the Regular Officer Training Plan as a Maritime Engineer and graduated from the Royal Military College in 1989 with a Bachelor in Computer Engineering.
On completion of his initial combat systems engineering training in various ships and naval establishments, he achieved his Head of Department qualification onboard HMCS NIPIGON in July 1992. Cmdre Page then commenced a four year tour within the Canadian Forces
Naval Engineering School as a combat systems engineering instructor. In 1996, he joined HMCS ATHABASKAN as the Combat Systems Engineering Officer and participated in his second STANAVFORLANT deployment in 1999. Cmdre Page then worked as the Division
Commander for the Officer Training Division of the Naval Engineering School and the Combat Systems Engineering Officer of Sea Training Atlantic.
In 2004, Cmdre Page moved to the Chief of the Maritime Staff organization in Ottawa as a HALIFAX Class Modernization Project Director for the Radar Upgrade and SIRIUS projects. One year later, he completed the Command and Staff Course and a Master in Defence Studies at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto.
After two years in the Director General Maritime Equipment Program Management as a Section Head and the Maritime MASIS Acceptance Project Manager, in June 2008, he was appointed Commandant of the Canadian Forces Naval Engineering School in Halifax.
On completion of this Command tour, he then returned to Toronto and completed the National Security Program at the Canadian Forces College. Upon graduation in June 2011, Cmdre Page assumed the duties and responsibilities of the Director MaritimeTraining and Education. In December 2012 he was posted back to DGMEPM as Chief of Staff. In June 2015 he was promoted to his current and assumed the duties of Director General for the Maritime Equipment Program Management Division.
Cmdre Page is also well known in the soccer world of the Canadian Armed Forces having played and coached in numerous Regional and National tournaments including coaching the first ever national women soccer champions in 2008 and assisting with the 2001 Nova Scotia Canada Games Men's Team. He is now the Patron for CAF Women’s Soccer Team.