Colonel Nick Torrington-Smith
Director Air Domain Development

Colonel Torrington-Smith joined the military in 1990 as a Communications and Electronics Engineering officer.
Throughout his career he has held operational positions at 14 Wing Greenwood, the NATO Satellite Ground Terminal in Folly Lake, Nova Scotia, the Canadian Forces Network Operations Centre, 76 Communications Group, Canadian Forces Information Operations Group headquarters and the Canadian Forces Electronic Warfare Centre. He has also deployed to the Democratic Republic of Congo in support of the UN mission.
Additionally, he has held staff positions within the Directorate of Air Equipment Program Management, Directorate of Space Development, Directorate of Air Domain Development and the Canadian Joint Operations Command.
Colonel Torrington-Smith holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics from Royal Roads Military College (1993), and a Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering from the Royal Military College of Canada (2000). He is also a graduate of the Canadian Forces College Joint Command and Staff Program (2012).
Colonel Torrington-Smith currently holds the appointment of Director Air Domain Development within the Royal Canadian Air Force staff and is also serving as the Occupational Advisor for the Communications and Electronics Engineering officer occupation.