Charlotte Laramée
Director, Growth,
Charlotte Laramée joined Aero Montreal in November 2015 and is currently Growth Director for the organization. Her job is to support the growth of the Aerospace Cluster of Québec by developing programs and measures to meet the needs of the industry. For example, Charlotte has developed the programs “Accelerator 360” and “StartAero 360” which aim at fostering consolidation (merger and acquisition), international business development or the integration of innovation in the supply chain.
By the beginning of 2020, Charlotte has also taken the mandate of the environment in order to accelerate the green transition of the aerospace industry in Quebec. Recently, due to the unprecedented crisis hitting the sector, Charlotte has focused all her energy to lead the Alliance for the Recovery, a strategic working group with operational Tasks Force, which aims at developing concrete economic measures to support the recovery of the sector. Charlotte Laramée has a Business School Master and has completed a microprogram in corporate finance at the HEC Montreal in 2019. Prior to joining Aero Montreal, Charlotte had various functions of business development for SMEs in aerospace, which gave her a good sense of the supply chain dynamic and a good understanding of international markets; experiences she uses everyday to support Aero Montreal members.